Personalization that helps recruit and retain employees
Wednesday, August 24, 1pm Pacific time. Registration is required
You're Invited
Health insurance, especially for those of you who self-insure, is one of the most expensive benefits you provide to your employees and has one of the highest values to employee retention.
Learn how MyLifeID’s non-insurance benefit program may enhance your health insurance by:
- Reducing employee absence
- Accelerating treatments
- Lowering company contributions towards self-insurance
- Reducing employee out-of-pocket expenses
- Protecting your employees at home or while away
- Contributing to company health policy compliance
How It Works
During this free 30-minute Zoom presentation on the MyLifeID Employee Benefit program, we will discuss:
- What is MyLifeID
- How it works
- Examples of its benefit in action
- Its various forms
- Options for adding it to your benefit program
- Costs and ROI
- How to get started
Space is limited and registration is required.
Presented By
Jeffrey W. Cohen, CEO
MyLifeID is a digital health information management company solving the problems of medical record accessibility globally
Can’t make a presentation but want to know more? Complete the contact form below and a representative will contact you directly: